California Dream Act Essay

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Some critics feel that it is not beneficial. They believe that the DREAM Act will

encourage illegal immigration. There are millions of undocumented immigrants in the

United States, and many of these people are qualified for the DREAM Act. Once the

United States makes the legislation of the DREAM Act, many undocumented students

will become legal residents and gain equal opportunities. The DREAM Act will

encourage more and more illegal immigrants to enter the United States because people

will consider the DREAM Act as an amnesty for illegal immigrants. According to “The

California Dream Act: A Dream (not DREAM) Come True” by William Whaley,

Assembly Member Donnelly argues that the DREAM Act will encourage more and more

undocumented …show more content…

All young people must meet a lot of eligibility

requirements in order to apply for legal resident status (Whaley). Thus, the DREAM Act

would not encourage illegal immigration and cause overpopulation because it only

applies to youth who were brought to the U.S as children (Whaley).

Also, some critics argue that the DREAM Act will increase the unemployment

rate in the United States. The global economic crisis had negative influences on the U.S

economy in the past years. The American economy is in recovery currently, and many

U.S citizens are still struggled to find jobs. These critics believe that giving

undocumented immigrants legal working status will make many U.S citizens lose their

jobs, and the United States should care about its own citizens’ benefits. Opponents of the

DREAM Act claim that more than 25 million people can not find full time jobs while the

Obama administration allows many of the 12 million illegal immigrants to work in

different areas, and the unemployment rate will keep rising sharply if the U.S passes the

legislation of the DREAM Act (USA Today). However, making illegal students gain

legal status will be beneficial to the economy. The majority of economists surveyed