Career Essay: Personal Statement

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When I’m at work I do my part on the job. I show up not on time but around 15 minutes early. I make sure that everything is accounted for and put away. Responsibilities show up and they have to be taken seriously. I want to do my job in the best way and be the best in my job position. Either when I play sports or when it comes to school they all have to be surrounded by dedication. All these tasks in my life I have to dedicate my time and commitment to them. The hard work adds to the dedication and it builds off from that. Dedication is a concept in which it does not only go hand in hand with commitment but it is complete devotion toward something or even someone. ` An example of dedication in my life are sports. Sports have really molded my life in the best wat possible. They gave me the ability to lead and to push myself even when there is no one there. It all started with dedication toward these activities. Responsibility is a big part of dedication. During the sports that I have played I had to show up on time. This shows that I was dedicated every practice or every game so that everybody knew I was dedicated to be on the team. …show more content…

I barely have time for roaming around. I’m trying to balance school and sports with the job that I currently have. I am exhausted every single day and wish I could sleep for a week straight. The thing that keeps me going is the concept dedication. If I go through this hurricane of stress and discomfort, then I can learn from it in the future. I want to do the best in my job. If I didn’t have commitment and dedication every day to go in at 9:00 pm and get out at 5:30 am. I would never understand what dedication feels like. I would never understand the hard work and desire to go through tough things would feel like. I work at Spectrum Health in the Butterworth Hospital. Spectrum expects a giant amount from their employees. I am timed to do my job and I have to follow the guidelines