Caritas Work In Fiji Essay

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Caritas’ work in Fiji in connection with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching has reflected many similar ideals that can be found in messages from scripture. The principle Human dignity can be reflected in the new testament Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This explains that no matter who you are, what your religion, status, or gender we are all humans that are created in Gods image. This is seen in caritas’s response to Fiji as they respect all the Fijians with respect and dignity as they are all children of God. The next principle of catholic social teaching that can be seen reflected in the gospel is the Preferential Protection …show more content…

This reference tells us that by helping the poor and vulnerable we are helping God with the mission to create a world full of justice and peace. This was seen in Fiji as caritas had noticed that Fiji was vulnerable and spring in to action to come to their aid in Fiji’s time of need. The next principle is solidarity, which is everyone standing by each other in unity. This is reflected in the scripture in the new testament mark 12:31“love your neighbour as you love yourself.” This is telling us that we should love everyone no matter who they are and that we should treat others how we wish to be treated because through everyone living like this it will bring peace to the world. This is seen in caritas’s response to Fiji as caritas came to Fiji’s aid in their time of need as even though we are from different countries we still stood in unity to help support them in their time of need. The next principle that is seen in the initiative and in scripture is Subsidiarity. Subsidiarity is set to empower communities, this can be seen in the scripture in the new testament Hebrews 3:13: “Encourage one another