Cause And Effect Essay About The Causes Of Recess

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Have you ever felt like there is a cause for recess but you never thought about it? Well, in this essay I will write about the good causes of recess and why students in higher grades like middle and high school should have it good causes of recess are that you get a lot of sunlight and a good amount of physical activity as well as how it keeps you focused during the day so you don’t just wander off and start talking because you want a break. Recess also gives the students a chance to communicate with their peers. Besides lunch recess is one of the only times you could actually talk to some about things, like it said here”Recess may be the only time during the day when children have an opportunity to experience socialization and real communication.”( Which is …show more content…

You can express your emotions by talking to others like your friends. Like it said here “Recess gives students opportunities for social and emotional interactions they can’t get in the classroom, where the teacher is generally at the lead and the students are usually quietly participating or in groups,”( These are all things to do with communication during recess. Recess is important because of how it gives the kids a chance to exercise. Like it was said in an article “While gym class offers kids a chance to stretch their legs and get their heart rate up, it is still considered instructional time, with very different goals from those of the unstructured downtime of