Chad Hurley Research Paper

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The Entrepreneur I chose was Chad Hurley, Hurley is best known for co-founding YouTube and former CEO of the video sharing website My paper is about how online video content has impacted the traditional media market and how Chad Hurley changed the style of media forever. Hurley co-founded YouTube alongside two other co-founders Steve Chen and Jawed Karim in 2005 when they were just early PayPal employees, not long after sold YouTube for $1.65 billion dollars to google. Chad Meredith Hurley was born January 24, 1997 in Birdsboror Pennsylvania. Hurley attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania where he received his bachelor’s degree in fine art. After Graduating he later joined eBay’s Paypal division, focused on user interface. It was there that he met Steve Chen and co- founded Hurley ended up working for PayPal Inc where he was a programmer, Hurley was hired as the first graphic designer in 1999 then left in 2002 to become a freelance design consultant. He than later became chief execuitive officer, February in 2005 of acquired by …show more content…

YouTube has made a huge impact on a variety of different aspects ranging from your own videos, presidential election, politics commercials, and promotion of large variety of talents. YouTube is a way to get your own stuff out and share it with the world and have many people see. Anything can become viral and have millions or billions of people see it, it is a great way to get your own stuff and talent out into the world and show what you can do. You can even get famous if your video goes viral and it can spread like wildfire and you can up on the news or entertainment shows. If your content is good and you gain a large audience that will continue to watch what you put out and support it, or make a huge impact on the

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