
Chapter Summary Of Behind The Kitchen Door By Saru Jayaraman

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Sean Patrick L. Diuco 4TE-2 Social Entrepreneurship Book Report Behind The Kitchen Door by Saru Jayaraman A. Introduction The book talks about the lives of restaurant workers that live on low wages and work in poor conditions such as unsanitary work areas, low respect and prone to discrimination. There are also cases in the book where immigrants are also discriminated and work in America to low wages and have a hard time to support their families. It is revealed in the book that many restaurants do not care for the health and welfare of their employees. Restaurants discriminate and put white workers on better jobs than those of different color where they are put on the worst jobs and treated badly. The author also explains how those who work …show more content…

The author exploits different negative practices by restaurants and how restaurants treats their employees, ignoring human rights especially when the worker is of different race or culture. Chapter 4 shows how many workers are struggling with their low income. About 1.6 million workers are experiencing this problem, finding many different ways to live on a 2.13 dollars minimum wage. The author wants to show how many people are affected by the crisis shown in the book, both in the private sector and in the restaurant industry. In Chapter 5, the book shows how racism and discrimination affects the different restaurant workers. Because of these obstacles, it prevents workers of different culture and color to earn proper living wage jobs, respect and it prevents them from supporting their families properly because of low income. The chapter talks about how discrimination in the restaurant becomes a dangerous psychological hazard to the employees of restaurants in America and it prevents many workers from applying, therefore resulting in unemployment. And even though workers with different race and culture are hired, they are

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