Character Analysis Of Holling Hoodhood In The Wednesday Wars By Gary D. Schmidt

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William Shakespeare once said, “We know what we are, but know not what we may be”. Holling Hoodhood, the main character in The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, really embodies this quote because in the novel Holling tries to figure out who he is. Especially when his father, Mr. Hoodhood, pressures Holling into wanting to be a part of his company. This shows that Holling doesn't want to follow in his dad’s footsteps and be his own person. Therefore, Holling decides who he is and what he wants to be by: reading Shakespeare (relating to the characters), having Mrs.Baker help him in learning new things, and having relationships with his family. To start off, Holling decides who he is and what he wants to be by reading Shakespeare. The first …show more content…

Baker help him and is there for him, especially on Wednesday afternoons. A very important part of this book was staying with Mrs. Baker every Wednesday, and by doing this he built a relationship with his teacher. When Holling was staying with Mrs. Baker she had him read Shakespeare. This has helped Holling because Mrs.Baker loves Shakespeare, and she wanted to have a connection with Holling by helping him have an interest in it too. So at the beginning of the book while Mrs. Baker and Holling are in the classroom and she says, “On Wednesday afternoons from now on, we will be reading Shakespeare together.”(Schmidt 42). By saying this she just opened up a new world for Holling and the way he thought of Mrs. Baker, and leads a whole new future to The Wednesday Wars. Next, Mrs.Baker's relationship helps Holling decide whom he is by helping him on the track. One day when Holling was running the track Mrs. Baker stopped him and shared with him how she used to be a runner and not just some boring teacher. So when Mrs. Baker stopped him she said, “And tight. You run so tight. I’ve watched you. It looks as if you’re digging your fingernails into your palms.”(Schmidt 162). By saying this she is advising Holling on how he can run and have a better technique. Having this relationship with his teacher has helped develop Holling as a person and as a …show more content…

So in the book, Hollings dad, Mr.Hoodhood, wanted Holling to inherit Hoodhood associates. So when Holling and his dad were home he said, “So he won’t help the son who Is going to inherit Hoodhood and Associates.”(Schimdt 12). When this happens in the book it also shows that Holling does not want to follow in his dad’s footsteps and not inherit Hoodhood associates. This comes to be that Holling wants to be his own person and not be like his dad. Also, another family relationship he has is with his sister. So once, Holling and his sister were walking home from school and he saw that she was about to get hit by a bus so when he jumped out in front of her she said, “Holling,” said, "You saved my life.” (Schmidt 122). When this happened to Holling he became a hero at school and in the newspapers. But when he did this it showed how much he cared for his sister. So this helps Holling decide who he is by saving someone's life and knowing what he wants to do with