Charles Darwin Research Paper

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Charles Darwin presented a theory over a century before the time of the present but yet his views are still debated among many. Darwin introduced the theory of evolution, and how the human species evolved from more ape like Homo sapiens. Darwin’s theories otherwise know as Darwinism was created in the late 1800s providing answers of where the human species actually came from and not from the tradition avenue. Darwin introduced the theory of natural selection that stated how all species arose from one creation and through competition survival and reproduction the species changed. Through natural selection the species evolved to become their current being in todays world. This theory has introduced controversy to our world through the beliefs …show more content…

While the animal kingdom does provide evidence of evolution there are many questions as to where the human evidence is presented. On the other side of the argument the bible is another book written centuries ago presenting theories that in some belief circles are held to be true. The bible credits one creator for earth and all the species that call it home. The creator in the bible is Jesus Crist or God depending on ones religious beliefs. The theories that the bible introduces are that in seven days god created earth. It started with one man, and than a women created from the split of the mans ribs, this couple known as Adam and Eve started the human race and to be ironic the species evolved from there. The two theories in question, written way before this present time presents two arguments that tend to contradict one another. One claims to know the story of the creation of man while the other claims to know the story of the evolution of man. Which story can be held to be true? Is this a question that can actually be presented to the people? It has clearly created a divide among the people but is it possible for these stories to coexist in our ever-changing world that we live in …show more content…

The catholic beliefs fight the beliefs of Charles Darwin, they challenge the prevalence of global warming and they question the gay rights to get married. These are beliefs created by man and not the elementary meaning of faith. The leaders of the church that push these beliefs are humans with their own opinions and unfortunately those opinions have influenced the masses that make up the argument of evolution versus faith. It is my belief that church was designed to promote community. Promote the idea that we are all different but we come together as one to form unity. Not unity in a sense that we mindlessly follow the scripture but unity as a community where we are all different but all the same at the same time. I know this thought seems to contradict itself but truly if society learns that it is ok to compromise and accept each other for who they are we can allow for theories that on the surface look to contradict coexist. Charles Darwin’s theory of Darwinism provides answers to fundamental question that all humans have it gives a sense of beginning, the bible does this as well it clearly depends on the beliefs of the individual but if one is willing to compromise and find a true center the two theories can exist as