Charter School Vs Charter Schools Essay

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“Evaluation of all types of schools, charter and others, could be improved both by accounting for the difficulty of educating particular groups of students before interpreting test scores and by focusing on student gains over time, not their level of achievement in any particular year” (EPI). Everyone wants to know how charter schools are doing. There is a mass of research about how charter school students perform on tests, however the results can be questioned. The Charter School Achievement Consensus Panel states “It is impossible to observe the same students simultaneously in both charter schools and the schools they would have attended had charter schools not have been available” (Charter Achievement). There are three main reasons for the lack of evidence on the relationships between lotteries and equity. “Many lottery schemes do not have equity as an intended purpose, there has been research but not enough that is focused on explicit on this relationship, lastly, the design of studies that measure the impact of lottery schemes is complex and more limitations” (Berry). Stating under the draft code, charter schools have the freedom that determines their own admission policies, and will no longer use their background or former family connections with a school. …show more content…

However, lottery systems make up a lot of the population in disadvantaged areas around the world. Well advantaged students who come from wealthy parents do not have to worry about it because it is all handed to them. It's like, students fighting for the finish line to get into a charter school. The use of lottery systems raise questions to the wealthy on how and why they are used. Answering the question, the poor do not have it all handed. Fighting for the finish line in