Child Care Center Observation Essay

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The observations that take place in a child care centre are used for various reasons. Many of the observations are used to help better understand the child and their interests. By understanding what the child is interested in, it makes planning the activities that much easier. When observing a child, it is best to try to understand what they doing and what they are trying to accomplish by completing a specific task or what they are imagining certain objects are. For example, a child could be playing with blocks but when you ask them what they are doing maybe they could be playing restaurant, or pretending that the blocks are food and drinks that they are giving to the other children. The observations we make from this could be put towards …show more content…

If I were to choose one to use while in the classroom it would be a chart style strategy. With this strategy it is easy to keep track of any concern that an educator may have for the child or to keep track of their developmental progress. With charts I would be able to track of different activities that the child is interested in, by doing this I would be able to plan my lessons and activities around what I know the child is interested in. When using charts, it is easy to see when a child does or does not complete a specific task but it does not really focus on how the child is completing the task. For example, if the child likes to play with the blocks a lot then that does mean they enjoy the blocks over other toys, but they could not be building with the just the blocks. The child could be building ramps for the toy cars to go down or using the smaller blocks as food or props when role playing. I believe that in order to fully understand what the child is interested in or to fully understand how they are developing you need to use multiple observation strategies. By using more than one you can track different elements of their development as well as keep track of their progress compared to other children while also maintaining a personal relationship with the