
China's One Child Policy Essay

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Everyone knows that China has an overpopulated country and it continues to grow. Since this is occurring the government decided to put a limit on how many children a woman can have and what gender it has to be. This takes away a person's right of freedom to choose what they want to do with their lives. China’s government created this policy in 1979 to help reduce the country’s population. They told their people that it would only last for a small period of time, but it’s still happening 37 years later. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, they say the one child policy was to control how big the family grew, when people could and couldn’t get married, and how far apart they could give birth to children. Of course, this policy had …show more content…

If a woman gave birth to a female child the family usually got rid of the child by dumping it on the side of the road or they would kill the girl. The reason why many of the family’s wanted a male for their first child is because the male could work for the family and eventually take over the business. Do to the lack of female children being kept the population ratio is becoming unbalanced. Even though the female ratio is low to the government’s knowledge, it’s actually a little higher. Some girls were raised or are raised in homes that have been abandoned and are secretly helping to raise one another and those around …show more content…

China’s government wants to let their people know that they can use birth control if they want to wait to have a child. If a woman was lucky to know what gender the baby was before it was born, they would get an abortion. Since abortions are legal in China woman can easily get an abortion with the help of the government. The only problem is that the government won't just let you keep getting abortions because you don’t want that sex. For instance, if a mother keeps getting pregnant with a female but wants a male child the government will eventually stop her from getting abortions because she’s being sex-selective. Sex-selective is known to be when someone purposely chooses or wants that gender for their child or someone

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