Chocolate Milk Should Stay In Schools

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There has been a huge debate going on through every town in America debating if chocolate milk should or should not be served in schools. There are two sides to the debate and both have good points to stand on. Many people think that chocolate milk should be taken out of schools, mainly because of the of sugar. However, on the other hand, some people think that chocolate milk should stay in school. For various reasons, chocolate milk must remain in schools.

One reason why chocolate milk must remain in schools is that it's healthy and very nutritious compared to other beverages. First chocolate milk helps kids meet their nutrient goals for the day. According to Melissa Dobbins, a registered dietitian with the Midwest dairy council chocolate …show more content…

The biggest reason why people want chocolate milk out of school is the sugar. But if you take, chocolate milk out of school kids will resort to going to more sugary drinks such as orange juice, fruit punch, sweetened iced tea, sports drinks, coca cola. All of these drinks have much more sugar than chocolate milk. If you are saying that chocolate milk has too much sugar these other drinks have some more. According to Tina Robertson, a registered dietitian “ Flavored, milk only provides 3% of child's daily amount of added sugar.”This means that chocolate milk has less sugar than other drinks. Yet, another reason to keep chocolate milk in …show more content…

Studies have shown that “ 13 male soccer players, post-exercise of low-fat chocolate milk was found to give equal or possibly superior muscle recovery to other high carbohydrate be.verages.”Chocolate milk is proven to replenish your muscle and restores what you lost. This shows that chocolate milk could be used as a sports drink, but it is way healthier and has a lot less sugar compared to other sports drinks. If you don’t stay hydrated during sports, it can lead to serious problems such as dizziness, heat shock, and other problems. Chocolate milk can help you stay hydrated with being healthier and more nutritious than other sports beverages. That is the last reason chocolate milk should stay in schools.

When schools keep, chocolate milk in their cafeterias kids will drink it. When they take, chocolate milk out of school kids won’t drink milk. This is robbing kids of their nutrition. Overall having chocolate milk in schools helps kids reach their nutritional goals. Is healthier than most other beverages. It helps kids recover after sports and recess. Chocolate milk has an impact on kids and must stay in schools.
