Should School Lunches Be Allowed In Schools

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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Said the ancient physician Hippocrates. School lunches should be healthy because it will help the student perform better in school. More nutrients helps fuel the brain for more stimulated learning. It allows the students brain to be more active in the learning process and so it will allow students to retain more information and allow the country as a whole to grow mentally wise. It produces more intelligent people which results in the nation being smarter about itself which boosts the economy as well as many other things in our society. It will take a few years to pay off because the cost of the plan will go up seeing as how more healthier foods are more expensive but with the economy rising we will be able to afford these things and it will begin to pay for itself. I believe that an increase in school lunch quality will drastically change how this country is handled and how educated of a nation we are.

Every year the percentage of obesity goes up, having healthier food options in schools will help with such things, instilling healthy behaviors in our youth is key to …show more content…

Having only healthy foods would allow them to get those items no matter and provide them with much needed nutrients to keep them active and attentive in class. Research done by says this “Kids who eat healthy are more likely to be in school and participating. Without proper nutrition and adequate calories, students often don’t have enough energy to power the brain, resulting in fatigue and learning problems. In fact, alertness improved significantly in students eating breakfast in one study of high school students published in the journal of