Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

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First was the Jewish, then the Christianity and finally created from both cam the Islam. Islam started from both Jewish and Christianity like Christianity was a spin off of Jewish. The Jewish believe in a different prophet but don’t stand in the way of Christianity and the Islam. The jewish are more peaceful commoners. Christianity does not accept Muhammad as a prophet just like Islam does not accept Jesus as the son of God. Nothing is wrong for believing in different topics but some say they are all the same. In fact Christianity and Islam might seem the same but don’t be fooled. They both are different in their own way. In ways like lifestyle and religious belief in their own communities but in the end they are still alike. At first people believe that Jesus found …show more content…

Christianity believe in God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit just like the God for Islam is Allah. Christianity believe that when someone passes to the other side the person has the chance to go to Heaven or Hell. The Islam believe that if a person has passed over Allah decides if that person gets to go to Paradise or Hell. Christianity and Islam both believe in that if a person doesn’t want to live happy they are sent to hell where is is not pleasant. Christianity believe in the 10 commandments such as “You shall have no other Gods before me.” or “Honor your father and your mother.” While Islam believe in the five pillars such as Sawm which means fasting during the month of Ramadan. Islam also believe that one day Allah will come back and destroy everything. Instead Christianity believe that God will come back and take all of his followers and leave the rest to change their ways. Christianity believe that God created everything on the Earth and in the universe. Islam also believe Shahadah, which is another one of the five pillars, it means sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of