Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

520 Words3 Pages both religions have a lot of similarities they are both the two largest religion on the face of the earth. Islam being the fastest growing religion today after 9/11 most of the west sees Islam as a big threat. The two religions have a lot in common both stem for the Abrahamic religion including Judaism. Both religions Islam and Christianity have a huge disparity when it comes to prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) while the Islamic faith believe he was the ultimate prophet, Christianity To most Christians, Mohammad is no different than any other non-Christian who started a religion. They are false prophets and their revelation was a lie from Satan, a delusion, or non-existent. Although both religions have differences they also have a lot of similarities
One major …show more content…

Angels are also represented as a good thing and they carry out gods order. Both religions acknowledge Satan but both religions have different terminology for it. In the Islamic faith we call Satan as Iblis and in Christianity its called the Devil.
When it comes to differences both religions have two different holy books Islam follows the Holy Quran and Christians follow the Holy Bible. In Islam one must believe in Injeel (Gospel of Jesus) it is very critical that one most recognize this theology. Most religions including Christianity don’t believe that the Holy Quran is a holy book or a book from Gods (Allah) word. One major controversial issue between both faiths is the Crucifixion of Jesus. In Christianity one most believe that Jesus was crucified. “We preach Christ crucified a stumbling block to the Jews and folly to Gentiles” (1 Corinthians 1:23). In Islam it’s similar but different. Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross but he was ascended to heaven during the crucifixion. “In reality he was not killed and crucified and those who said he was. Crucified lied”(An- Nisa