Judaism Vs Christianity Research Paper

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Judaism vs Christianity
Judaism and Christianity share the same deity, the same monotheistic theology and the same Messianic focus. They are, in fact, interconnected on many fundamental levels. Their primary divergence, of course, stems from the manner in which the two religions view the Messiah. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Jews believe that the Messiah has yet to come. While sharing the same Judaic roots, Christianity and present day Judaism diverge due to the significance of this Messianic fulfillment/non-fulfillment and the fundamental changes that Christ the Messiah represents.

The covenants of Judaism are all directed at one specific people group, the Hebrew people, also commonly referred to as “Israel”. Judaism, one of the earliest monotheistic religions, was founded in 1812 BC, in the Middle East. It is based around God’s covenant with Abraham, and his promise that his descendants would one day be God’s chosen people. According to Jews, there is one God who created the universe and everything in it. The Hebrew bible teaches that one day God will send a savior to save his chosen people from their sin. …show more content…

The Torah, sometimes called the Five Books of Moses, consists of first five books of the Old Testament. The Torah contains the Hebrew account of creation and the fall of man, as well as laws and regulations that Jews are supposed to live by. The Nevi’im is the second part of the Hebrew scriptures and is regarded as the book of prophets. The final part of the Jewish scriptures is called the Ketuvim, or writings. In Christianity the TaNaKh is commonly known as the old testament and makes up over half or the Christian