Classroom Learning Theory

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One of interviewees from University A said, “Some teachers do not even show the marks of the students and even they do not give the grades to the registrar on time or bring the grades on set deadlines. The respondent goes on to say that the instructors give absolutely no air to students’ pains and the students’ complaints go even to the university president” (UAS5, 24/6/2015) and as appropriate feedback is supporting element for students to judge their learning as institutions should ensure that appropriate feedback is provided to students on assessed work in a way that promotes learning and facilitates improvement. (QAA, General principle 12).
This indicates that student assessment and grading practices are centers of the tension among staff, …show more content…

The task force (AACSB Task Force, 1986) used the term “experiential learning,” combining the learning from the “real-world” situation with the necessary condition of the application of concepts, ideas and theories to the interactive setting. The participants stated, “This strategy added more meaning to our academic studies” (UBS6, 26/6/2015). Experiential learning defines learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. The knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience"(Kolb, 1984,p.41). They stated this strategy has given them a chance to apply theories learned in classes to real life situations and to identify those interdisciplinary skills gained from the classroom that are utilized and applied in a particular workplace; and to develop an understanding of the broad base of liberal knowledge and skills which may be applied creatively to a myriad of life experiences. Stakeholders informed, “it has enabled us to perform as an active learner and reflect on our own writing and analyze the feedback”. The authors (Hoover and Whitehead 1975, p. 25) described experimental learning exists when a personally responsible participant affectively and behaviorally processes knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a learning situation characterized by a high level of active involvement. To design, conduct, evaluate and feedback the experimental learning is in need of students and instructors’ active involvement and participation. Stakeholders stated to implement effectively the experimental learning paradigm the potentials and instructors’ guidance are assisting us. Experiences occurring without guidance and adequate academic preparation