Classroom Management Application Paper

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For this content application I chose to develop a procedure that I hope will help with my classroom management. Danielson’s component 2C, Managing Classroom Procedures, is under which this management idea would fall. The overarching theme of managing the classroom is diverse but pulling from my observations in my cooperating teacher’s classroom I have come to realize that finding ways in which to engage students without chatter increasing is rather difficult. It is my hope that through building a team orientated competition around participation, timeliness, and respect for others, that the students will become more engaged and hopefully lessen the amount of distractions created during class. The point of Section 2C is to see that the classroom is running well, whether that be transitions or to the resources need like paras or volunteers for a field trip. In the case of my application this has more to do with transitions, instructional groups, and non-instructional duties. The point of the Table Rankings system is that it isn’t just teacher regulated. The tables will gain …show more content…

As humans we all have a competitive streak in us and it is due to that nature in us that this management style is centered around a competition. Not only am I asking the students to self regulate but also they have the ability to win something by doing so. An added bonus of this structure is that I will be able to assess students communication and leadership style much more quickly than normal. I will be able to see students who are a little slower in picking up the material by the way their peers interact with them and how much they help each other. Also I will be able to see which students need more rigor and or leadership roles for future assignments based on the role and level of engagement that they take in this