Collaboration In Health Care Essay

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Healthcare professions are one of the most valent jobs a person can have. These professionals give of themselves to care for others in the most difficult times in those people's lives, often missing out on events in their own lives. Nursing is the backbone of healthcare. Nurses are the liaison between all the other departments. They are the ones in the trenches caring for the patient day and night. Nursing is a profession that requires an immense amount of knowledge and integrity. A nurse must not only know about physiology, lab values, medical treatments, baseline values, medications, communication, ethics, and culture; they must be able to apply those to practice and situations. This means that a nursing student must begin to incorporate …show more content…

I have noticed there is a lot more collaboration than there were years ago which helps prepare nursing students for the future. Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements 2.3 discusses how collaboration within nursing is essential to address the health of patients and the public. Collaboration requires trust, integrity, respect, transparency, and open communication (Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2017). Sites such as CourseHero present to be a way to collaborate among other students, but due to the lack of transparency and open communication, it falls short in facilitating collaboration and instead facilitates academic dishonesty. Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements 4.2 discusses that nurses are to be accountable in all they do and follow a code of ethics (Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2017). This code applies not only to how we practice nursing, but to how we are as students and the technologies we use. The nursing student should always make sure everything they do is in accordance with the school honor code and the nursing code of ethics. Even things done with the best of intentions, if done incorrectly, can still bring about a loss of integrity and trust. If there is ever a question if something is appropriate, the nursing student should ask an instructor or those with authority, then to find out later that it was not. If there is a mistake, take it as an opportunity to step back and reflect on how you can improve and do better going forward. In healthcare they use the Swiss cheese theory. Swiss cheese has a bunch of holes in it, but when you stack it up the holes usually do not line up in a way that they go all the way through. The holes represent failures that have happened. The goal is to stop these holes before they reach the patient. Nursing school is our own block of Swiss cheese, and the goal is to figure out and fill