Collaborative Problem Solving Essay

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Many kids in the school system suffer from punishments that are not always fitting for their behaviors, or hinder them instead of teach them proper behaviors. Children are being labeled “problem children” when they act out in school, but teachers would rather suspend or send them somewhere else than take actions that could help them. The article brings up several cases of children who are experiencing behavioral issues at school and their teachers are punishing them in justly. A technique called Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) was put into place for these students and the change of their behavior and life changed in a positive way. The problem still is many teachers are not willing to put this technique into play for various reasons such as, being laze, already labeling them as bad, and thinking it is giving into what the student wants. The problems of these kids stem from the teachers and school systems lack of care to help them. The children are being treated in ways that they are becoming traumatized and the only way they know to protect themselves is to fight back. To label a child as a “problem” when simple …show more content…

If the children cannot go to school and feel it is safe something in that system is wrong. The school system allowed teachers to send these children to rooms without windows, bathrooms, and block them in there until they can behave. What is this teaching children about the institution of school? They are scared to enter the school and feel that they will be placed in isolation right when they mess up. These kids are being labeled “bad apples” when really the institution or “bad barrel” is a large contributor to the behavioral issues these kids are experiencing. If the children are being surrounded by teachers and staff that are treating them badly it should not come as a surprise that the kids also act that