College Admission Essay

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‘What is Life?’- may be the most perplexing and precious thing in this universe. To protect and preserve this key to every living thing, public health science evolves as a significant and prime area of research. Due to my parent’s occupation, I had been living in medical college and hospital area during my childhood. Seeing the sufferings of the diseased people and heavenly smile after being healed at hospital, I realized the eminence of health profession. I have always dreamt to be a doctor. And after a lot of hard works and study, I have become one. But, practicing as a physician afterward, my realization is, as a doctor, I can only serve patients, but, what I really desired is to keep people safe from to be diseased. I have studied and explored …show more content…

I had passed all the exams at very first attempt with a significant result. I had studied thoroughly all the major areas of life science covering para-clinical subjects and with special concentration in the clinical study regarding medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology. All of this knowledge provides me a deep insight about how human life suffers from diseases, what we can do our best to treat and survive, the emergence and predominance of chronic …show more content…

Recent statistics projected that approximately one out of two people is affected by any type of chronic diseases. They are considered as the leading causes of death and disability. The incidence rate is alarmingly increasing in developing as well as developed countries. I would like to concentrate on finding and evaluating the risk factors for chronic diseases specially diabetes and obesity and designing the possible prevention and intervention strategies for implementing a health management protocols which will be cost friendly as