
College Admissions Essay

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Walking leisurely down the hallway, I glance up at the newly hung bachelors degree I gained just last year. I take a moment to reminisce on the last four years at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro; the four greatest years of my life. Four years filled with new friendships from all around the world, knowledge I never thought to acquired, and hundreds of new experiences that made me into the person I am today. Knocking myself from the daydream after tripping over one of my last unpacked boxes, I stumbled into the kitchen to look at my planner for the month. I caught a glimpse of my next class at eight in the morning and instantly dreaded the idea of waking up so early. Realizing that I would do anything to finish my doctoral degree, …show more content…

Who are your role models and why? I wake up in the middle of the night to questions running through my mind that I need to immediately bring up to a science teacher at school. This leads to many emails at four in the morning, and rushing to school at the earliest opportunity. Learning how the universe and all its properties work, is my greatest passion. This strive for knowledge alone makes me a scientist, but my need to understand and dream of making the world a better place through my work, chains me to that title. A title I will fulfill in entirely for the rest of my life. I have always been a scientist by the definition that I have always questioned everything but my love for science surfaced around the third grade. I attribute this to my first mentionable role model, my third grade teacher, Mrs. Brooks. Although she taught us all subjects, I knew she had a love for science. Putting most of her attention to the time we learned about animals and plants, she would wow the class with experiments. When explaining how the flowers transport water from the roots to the petals, she colored the water and allowed us to see the flow of water. She would also show us images of microscopic areas of the flower. This was my first taste of a new world that I had always overlooked. A world I was ready to dive

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