
College Admissions Essay: How American Idol Changed My Life

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I watched the show American Idol as a little girl and grew up dreaming of being on it one day. During commercial breaks, I would run to my room, act like I was auditioning, and run back downstairs. I was enthralled by the blast of fame and admiration the contenders received from being on the show. I decided to give it a shot and I auditioned when I was 15. My mom, my best friend Keala, and I drove eight hours to New Orleans, LA. I was so nervous, but I thought 'God wouldn't let me come if He wasn't gonna let me through!' I wasn't confident in my talents at that time, so I sat in my mom's car in the parking deck and practiced my songs quietly. I was definitely American Idol material. The audition day came and the butterfly exhibit from the Botanical …show more content…

They called everyone's names and we walked up to the judges table. 'We're sorry, not today' was all we got. I was heartbroken. I felt like my dreams were crushed. I drove eight hours back home with tear stained cheeks and a traumatizing experience for my fifteen year old self. I look back at that sad time now at nineteen and laugh. I was young, naive, and had a lot of work to do with music before I was heading anywhere. I thought that if the producers of American Idol didn't think I had a good voice, I didn't have a good voice. I am grateful to not have made it to any rounds. The experience made me realize that my voice and music is worth much more than a staged, overdramatized tv show. It is to be used to glorify the Lord in whichever way He decides. He purposefully gave me my talents and He has plans on how I will use them. Since American Idol, God has opened many other doors to express my talents. Most of all, I have become more confident in the gifts that I possess. The standards of perfection that are set through shows like American Idol and the contest shows infiltrated my mindset as a growing, impressionable girl. I have grown up to realize that the imperfect nature of someone’s talent is what makes them more

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