College Admissions Essay: The Formation Of A Community

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Surrounded by those who support us, care for us and inspire us. They support us in our endeavours, whether they be common or entirely individual. They care for us when something goes awry and we require advice or consoling. They inspire us to push ourselves and reach for our wildest of goals, no matter the circumstances. Being surrounded by these people signifies the formation of a community. Contrary to the attractions of individual atoms and molecules, groups of people are drawn together based on similar affinity, identity and geography. A seemingly ambiguous, unidentifiable magnetism pulls similar minds closer and closer. Even so, each and every individual chooses which communities they prefer to join. Many communities exist which we choose membership in, and some communities exist which we have …show more content…

This community is one that I inadvertently chose at a young age, years before I knew anyone I am now surrounded by daily. By working hard and setting myself apart from my peers in elementary school, just as the rest of my current community did, I put myself on a specific path. This path led me to my best friends, biggest influencers and most inspirational mentors. I am constantly surrounded by people that change my life each day, some who are aware of this and actively continue to do so, and some that are oblivious to their impact on my life. Each member of this community has a role, a contribution, an opinion that holds value. During discussions, differing opinions erupt, throwing everyone into ideas of persuasive defense. While each person voices their complex, outside-the-box ideas, others develop counterarguments and pose them with respect. This cycle plays out until we reach a conclusion and move on to the next controversial