College Essay About Dyslexia

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Many people you see and learn about every some common day have different brains some with ADHD, ADD or dyslexia one mane one is dyslexia. Although people think dyslexia is a learning disability it has advantages. Living with dyslexia can affect the person in many ways especially in school. Although that doesn’t stop the person from overcoming it many famous people actually have dyslexia. Also why do some people have dyslexia? Dyslexia is more than a learning disability but also a super power many famous people have. Dyslexia is known as a learning disability but also a super power because of it benefits. One advantage is someone with dyslexia can figure out the impossible faster than others with out dyslexia. For example Matthew H. Schneps …show more content…

To illustrate states, “Long ago, before Whoopi Goldberg was diagnosed with dyslexia and before she knew how common this learning issue is, kids in school called her ‘dumb’.” (Page 1) Another famous person with dyslexia most people know is Elbert Instinet. In school he had lots of trouble and his teacher said he would not succeed. Also one of the most loved animators Walt Disney had dyslexia as well as two schools casing double work but he still came on top. Moreover Anne Bancroft also has Dyslexia she is in the peace core and is a woman with many first. Furthermore Anne Bancroft says, “fore someone who struggling in school, as I was, the natural world was a perfect place to feel at home and express myself” (page 1 The Yale Center For Dyslexia & Creativity). Additionally Jamie Oliver also has dyslexia and didn’t finish his first book till he was 38 because he got bored easily. Finally one more famous person with dyslexia is George Washington who failed to spell and write in his time but that didn’t affect his leadership skills. Many famous people had dyslexia but that didn’t stop