Colleges Should Be Allowed To Use Social Media

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Topic: Are colleges allowed to use social media sites, to find background find out background information.

Position: I think they’re allowed to use it

Lead (attention grabber/WOW statement) Social Networking has gotten very popular in the last few years, and people started posting everything, but they might not know, that colleges look you up on social networking. (Kaplan, The complete guide to social media).
Background information I believe every person in the whole world knows or has heard of Social Media. Social Media has gotten a big part of everyone’s live. A lot of big companies use Social Media for commercials and business
Background information The first official Social Media site was born in 1997, it was called Six Degrees. People created accounts and then add friends. It …show more content…

Thomas Some College Admissions Checking Facebook).
Commentary Colleges want to look like a good place for educated people and don’t really want to have people that are posting weird videos/photos on their social networking sites or a footballer who is filming himself being drunk. Which understandable
Closing sentence. Most of the colleges don’t go in details over a person, they still respect their privacy, they just want to look over their feed and want to look how a person is representing them on social media.
3rd Point to support your position
Topic sentence People think colleges think they try find out everything about them on social media.
Counterclaim High schoolers don’t have to be scared about their social networking feed as long it’s a normal basic feed.
(Kaplan, College Admission: The complete Guide to use social media).
Concrete detail: there are a lot of articles in the internet and in newspaper about how to clean social networking sites.(Kaplan, College Admission: The complete guide to use social