How Imperialism Changed The World

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Imperialism is when a country makes another country submit to their rules through diplomatic or military means. Imperialism in Europe began in the mid 1800’s and ended in the early 1900’s. It changed the world for the better through the spread of better health care, education, and new languages. Europeans brought new languages, medicine, and inventions to the natives, which improved their lives for the better. It was imperialism that improved the natives living conditions, and gave them more appealing lives.
Imperialism was beneficial to the natives in a lot of ways, but one of biggest reasons was the spread of language. The native people were given the chance to learn other languages besides their own. This made it easier for the people to communicate with each other, and give orders. In Central Africa, the natives go the …show more content…

Infact, education was not cared about very much until imperialism came into play. The natives were never quite educated until the Europeans came to their country. This gave them a chance to learn new things, and live life with a little bit more understanding. Learning was a privilege, and it was something that no one took for granted. Education never came first, and working was always the number one priority. Although the Europeans were building schools for their own selfish reasons, in the end the natives got to learn several things. Imperialism brought education into the picture, and that was truly something that made the world a better place.

Imperialism changed the world for the better through the spread of better health care, education, and new languages. These three things were brought to the natives, and it made life easier for them. If imperialism had never happened the world would not be as advanced today, and society would be a whole lot different. In conclusion, all human beings should rejoice and be thankful that imperialism happened in the

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