The first ad uses ethos to sell their product. They pursude people by using J Lo as the star of the commercial. By using J lo they think that people will buy their product, just because they use J Lo. The second ad uses pathos to get people to buy their product. They try to make you feel sad and nostalgic from having your child all grown up and ready to drive.
The man then rides a white horse near the end of the commercial akin to a white knight further helping to increase his credibility. Finally the commercial ends with the classic old spice whistle which makes it easily recognizable and differentiates itself from other products Through constant praise of the product he set insinuates that Old Spice products will make you rich, handsome, healthy, and attractive. Its greatly uses pathos and ethos to set itself up. The commercial has very little if at all uses of logos. However, it doesn't need to use any form of logos as it does such an amazing job setting itself up by using pathos and ethos.
Now it's time to describe the Mr.Clean commercial which starts out with a woman trying to clean some stuff in her kitchen. Then Mr.Clean shows up to help her clean everything in a funny way that woman seems to love Mr.Clean and how he cleans. So both of these commercials used humor but stilled showed the product and what it's meant for.
The Dawn commercial I selected appeals to only the strategies of ethos and pathos. It uses ethos in the commercial by the fact that rescue experts turn to dawn when cleaning animals. It appeals to pathos because for using a baby duck to show you how careful dawn is with it’s ingredients in it to be gentle enough on animals skin to wash off grease and you create and emotional response to want to buy that product. It used more of pathos in the commercial by recreating them washing a duck that came from an oil spill to show that they are the savior of animals and by using them is helping the environment. This commercial is effective in getting a response from the viewer to buy their products because they are so gentle on animals and on our own
They both took a risk. A risk to use comedy, instead of information. I believe that both were very successful, but also that neither one would survive in the others world. In regards to groundbreaking advertising, I feel that Dollar Shave Club only rose so high because they were standing on the shoulders of giants like Burma-Shave. Who were able to pave the way with their funny road-side
Both regimes implemented policies of censorship and propaganda to shape
Using patriotic appeals, imagery, diction, language, and syntax, both
From a historical perspective, each was alike in that they were attempting to catch the attention of consumers in a new, unique and unlikely way. One campaign got that attention with humorous and quirky wording on signs that string along the side of some of the most traveled highways in the Country. The other campaign did so with in your face, and borderline offensive humor via viral video. However, both were using the most captivating channels of their time. In my opinion, each tactic worked for each company.
In conclusion America or just people in general are attracted to big and bold things. Americans or others just have a tendency to look and also be attracted to bigger and better things. Ads are always trying their best to be eye catching so they aren’t forgettable. This ad is just a normal everyday ad, but to some people it could be fascinating. Overall kids’ will always be amazed by these commercials and when you were a kid you probably were
Both leaders also use propaganda as a method of control. Mao and Kim Jong Un both used paintings, advertisements, and posters to show that they were the best and people need to show love to them. One Example is Mao would have pictures of people holding red books to show that if you did not have one you were not part of the revolution and you would be punished if not. Also, Kim jong Un had pictures of him as the sun to symbolize that he is like the “god” but if you get to close to the sun there would be serious consequences. Kim Jong Un uses censorship but mao did not really use it.
As possible as it was for them to have different experiences it was also possible for them to somewhat have similar experiences. Due to them both being in China, although in slightly different times, it is easy to compare their travel accounts. A similarity that occurred in both of their travel accounts is that they both wrote from what they knew. All that they had observed was mainly because of the way and where they had been raised and how that triggered their train of thought. Another similarity is that in both travel accounts religion was discussed.
In the book of Acts, Luke makes it clear that the leaders of the Jerusalem church and the missionaries who first helped carry “the new way” into the larger world beyond the Jewish capital to Greece and Rome did so with the same divine spirit that Jesus led his teachings (Harris, 2014). This level of dedication to spread Christianity, otherwise referred to as “the new way”, was necessary because even though these leaders had no interest in political interference, “the new way” would directly clash with current Greco-Roman tradition (Harris, 2014). Luke focuses on a select few leaders in the book of Acts even though he specifically mentions eleven of them (Harris, 2014). These select few apostles represent the leadership that began the spreading
There are parts of the Lion King that may make younger viewers feel a sense of sadness (Allers The Lion King). When Mufasa is killed by his brother Scar that could make some viewers upset and confused. Younger viewers may follow the plot of the story a little, older viewers would understand the concept that is being portrayed throughout the movie. This movie is appropriate for any age that way watch, it has a feeling of fun times and struggles that we all face. This film does contain a “murder” scene, that might not be the best thing for children to see.
The older commercial advertised the product while consulting to what was going on during that time period. The newer commercial advertised their product, but also add humor and a child. Even though each commercial had different attributions, both commercials were successful at selling their product
By saying things such as, “…if he stopped using lady scented body wash…” or “Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not like a lady.” As if there is something wrong with a man smelling like a woman; but what do woman smell like? Finally, the commercial uses imagers such as the Old Spice appearing from a hand full of diamonds to appeal to pathos and to make the audience associate Old Spice with luxury. This commercial does not appeal to logos as much as it does to pathos and ethos.