
Compare And Contrast California Vs Harvard

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Harvard versus University of Southern California Selecting a college that suits one's academic needs plays a vital role in pursuing a career. Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts ranks number one in the world for academics. The average weighted high school GPA for admitted freshman is a 4.04 on a 4.0 scale (Collegesimply.com). Harvard University has impressive admission requirements, a beautiful historic campus, and great opportunities for a scholarship. Harvard has impressive admission requirements, as only five percent of the students who apply get in. For example, Harvard requires a 4.0 GPA and four years of English, with extensive practice in writing; four years of math, four years of science: biology, chemistry, physics, …show more content…

Harvard offers resources to students including libraries, laboratories, museums, and research centers (Harvard.edu). This allows students to have easy quick access to these places instead of traveling off campus. USC also has a beautiful historic campus, founded in 1880. USC has a 229 acre campus with 18 libraries, 28 galleries/auditoriums, 30 dining spots and many more resourceful buildings (Usc.edu). Having on campus dining and libraries is very important as it is convenient and helpful. Harvard also offers on campus housing. The cost of dorms is 9,523 dollars (Collegefactual.com). While this is expensive, Harvard’s dorm size varies depending on how many students are placed in. It allows freshman, and all students living in a dorm to be part of a small community which offers a different type of living for students. USC also offers on campus living. USC allows students to pick a preferred dorm, a suite or a residence hall. Both types of housing provide resident assistance, faculty in residence, mentors and special interest communities (Usc.edu). Having a choice between two types of housing may make on campus living more appealing to students. On campus living is the perfect opportunity to explore the campus, make new friends, get involved in new clubs or sports, and experience the college

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