Caltech Vs MIT

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“Which Technology Focused University is Better: Caltech or MIT?” Without consideration for the difficulty of acceptance, which university would one attend: Massachusetts Institute of Technology or California Institute of Technology? Both universities are highly ranked throughout the world and have the same general focus, which is STEM-- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Even though the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has a more affordable tuition and provides impacting research opportunities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers greater financial aid services and is an overall higher ranked and more advanced university.
In the first place, the tuition of each university is significant when deciding …show more content…

As the article “Top 50 Colleges & Universities in America for 2016” states, MIT is in “Cambridge, MA,” which is “a highly educated but expensive city with close proximity to Boston.” MIT being close to Boston allows students to be exposed to “one of the most historic and ‘happening’ cities in the US North East” (Bridgestock). On the other hand, Caltech is located in “Pasadena, CA,” which is a “moderately expensive city--home to the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab…” (The Best Colleges). Both locations of the universities are expensive cities, but the weather conditions and climates of the two locations are drastically different. According to Laura Bridgestock in the article “Top Tech Schools: MIT or Caltech?,” “southern California enjoys sunshine and warmth all year round,” while “MIT students get hot summers but freezing winters.” This goes to show that MIT has a more historic and vibrant city with variation in the weather, and Caltech has a more consistently warm city. Although many people enjoy warm weather, diversity in the weather is outstanding because it exposes students to many different forms of …show more content…

Although both technological universities present students with a plethora of opportunities, both of them have positives and negatives to be considered. First, both universities are involved in research. According to the article “Massachusetts Institute of Technology,” a part of U.S. News Higher Education website, “MIT is a research university committed to world-class inquiry in math, science, and engineering.” On the other hand, the article “California Institute of Technology” mentions, “Caltech participates in a significant amount of research, receiving grants from institutes such as NASA, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Health and Human Services.” Both of these articles show how Caltech and MIT are research powerhouses and never stop pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. Furthermore, MIT offers a considerable amount of clubs that contribute to many more opportunities. For example, “the MIT community brings its energy and creativity out of the classroom as well with 500+ student-run groups…”(“Massachusetts Institute of technology”). Although Caltech also offers clubs, the number is insignificant in comparison with MIT’s. Despite Caltech’s impacting research opportunities, MIT manages to offer more opportunities through a wide variety of clubs that encompass many