Marvel Studios vs. DC Comics
Superman, Batman, Captain America, and Iron Man. Ever heard of them? These are characters made by the top 2 comic companies in the WORLD! Marvel Studios and DC Comics. These companies have done great jobs of showing how immortal some characters are, some even being GODS! But DC might have a few more immortal beings in store. Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson created DC Comics in 1934. You know how Batman has a really low, raspy voice, and a very serious face. DC Comics is known for adding a little bit more seriousness to the movies. The DC Cinematic Universe also has many ties to Greek mythology. Hyppolyta is the Amazonian queen who’s father is Ares, god of war. And Hippolyta is Wonder Woman’s mother. Aqua Man is just his superhero name. He is actually Poseidon, god of the sea, horses, and earthquakes. Superman, Green Lantern, and Starfire are all from different planets, which gives them each different magical powers. DC is known for using a little more magic in the movies. Marvel, not so much.
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As I was just saying, Marvel isn’t known for as much magic, mostly Sci- Fi. And Marvel isn’t as serious as DC is. They often have more jokes and laughter. Marvel uses Norse mythology as origins for only a few characters. The Almighty Thor! Know him. And even Loki! They are both sons of Odin, the Norse god of wisdom, healing, death, royalty, healing, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet. He must be really important being the god of all of those things! And if you’ve watched the movies or read the comics, you’ll know that Loki is adopted. Well, Odin found him abandoned after slaying king of the Frost Giants, Laufey. Loki is also Laufey’s son, making him also a Frost Giant. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is full of great stories that I am sure you will