
Compare And Contrast Schindler's List And Night

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4,200 religions in the world, and everyone can fall. Everyone claims that they’re ‘God’ or Gods’ will help them in the face of hard trails, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll be healed completely. People don’t always know how to stay faithful during these times because they don’t know how to lean on someone else for help. They often question, “Why would someone or some people put such weight on my shoulders, and scorch my eyes with the actions of the world?” Even more so, to a point where they all fall… Without a choice. In Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg, and Night, by Elie Wiesel, the two main characters Schindler and Elie face the troubles of the world and their religion in divergent ways during the Holocaust. Although they …show more content…

For Elie, his life begins to become more valuable to him in a way that he survives. Elie had never lied, which changes when he has to say his age and what he does so that he can stay alive. As time goes by, he begins to feel more dead inside by the hour. The time that he gets to rest is valued deeply and serves as a sense of assurance that God is there. There are times though where he can feel God leaving him when he thinks about the women that were in his life. He missed them all deeply and wanted them back and he values all of the memories that he got to share with them. For Schindler, this situation is different. At the beginning of the movie, Schindler spots a girl in a red coat, which is the only color that can be seen in this black and white film. Throughout the movie he wondered what had happened to her and figured out later on when he saw her. There she lay, strapped to a wheelbarrow, dead. In a few moments, she would be thrown into a big burning pit of fire. From this experience, Schindler begins to value his life even more so than he had, and in addition to that, he starts caring about people who don’t get this privilege. As seen in the movie, Schindler bought multiple Jews to help to save them. Through the holocaust, both of these people began to have new values to them and took something from …show more content…

To start off, Elie realized that he needs to stay strong through the hard trails that are put onto him. In the novel Night, he sees and experiences different tragic events that someone will never see in their lifetime. For example, he had to continue working for the people in which he knew just killed his father. Although, he couldn’t show a sign of weakness, or he’d be killed. Because of this, he had to keep his head high and know that this situation can get better and that he’s not lonely, he has God. Schindler begins to understand the same thing in that God is always with him. He takes this into consideration when he realizes that it’s good to be good. At the end of the movie Schindler trembles on the ground in the arms of Jews realizing what he did and that he could have saved more of them. From this situation, Schindler spent a heaping amount of the money that he made and learned an important message… Money isn’t everything. All of his life, he thought that the best way to maintain a good life was to have the most money you can, but as seen in the movie he realized that money was the opposite of that. Money was like the devil, it took over him and made him a sinner and he never thought twice about his actions. His money drawn attention to younger women in which he would interact with, despite the fact that he was a taken man, married to a beautiful wife. In the end, they both gained understandings from this

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