Compare And Contrast Social Democracy Vs Classical Liberalism

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1) Classical Liberalism is a concept that dates back to the Enlightenment era and is based on the ideals of individual liberty, limited government, and free-market economics. According to this idea, people ought to be free to pursue their interests without intervention from the government. On the other had, being considered a Liberal on the U.S political septum today typically refers to someone who supports progressive policies such as increased government intervention in economic matters, greater welfare spending, social justice initiatives, and more expansive civil rights legislation. While classical liberals may support some of these ideas, they are typically more wary of government control than modern liberals are. Ultimately, both labels …show more content…

Socialism seeks to secure economic justice and redistribute resources equally, while democracy relies on the will of the people to determine the governing structure of a country. Social democracy reconciles these two models by implementing social polices that promote equality and acceptance while also protecting citizens civil liberties. The key idea behind social democracy is that both socialism and democracy should be embraced together in order to ensure economic stability and personal freedoms for all citizens. For example, it advocates for public ownership of certain industries in order to ensure that everyone has access to services like healthcare, transportation, education, etc. It also calls for progressive taxation so that those who have greater wealth can contribute nice towards the wellbeing of society as a whole. At the same time, it repeats the right of individuals to freely express their beliefs without fear of oppression from government or any other entity. Ultimately, social democracy is about finding a balance between socialist ideals and democratic principles so that everyone can benefit from both systems working in harmony. It understands that one cannot exist within the