Compare And Contrast The Four Assumptions Of Essentialism

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To better understand human sexuality it is essential to know the definition and four assumptions that make up both essentialism and social constructionism. Essentialism can be defined by a belief that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are due to its biological factors. While social constructionism is the idea that society can shape the way individuals view sexuality. Therefore being able to differentiate between the four assumptions will give you a better understanding of human sexuality.
Essentialism claims that that there are distinct and true differences between categories such as with sexual orientation. Essentialism expression consists of four assumptions relating to biological aspects. Assumption one states that there is a truth that exists apart from us and that we can know that truth. This assumption in other words means that sexual orientation of man can be …show more content…

Social constructionism examines cross culture differences and historical contexts that show how categories have changed to identify sexual orientation. The first assumption for social constructionism is that objective reality doesn’t exist in other words stating that no set reality exists for every human regarding sexuality or gender. Assumption two states that we make subjective interpretations of what we experience. This means that when an individual goes through a particular situation, they make-up their own reality or beliefs for certain situation. Assumption three expresses that we construct reality within a given cultural context. Therefore, different realities and beliefs are based on the culture you live by. Assumption four of social constructionism states that what is important is not what it is, but what we interpret something to mean. All four assumptions relate to how society has the capability to construct how an individual views certain facets of their