Compare And Contrast The Shertl Act And Theft-Hartley Act

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Most trade or labor unions were initially formed to bring workers together to petition and receive work environments more favorable to the workers. Their strength lied in numbers as the management was unlikely to fight against the masses. However, these days, many major unions such as the AFL-CIO, today work to create and make available the top benefits for members of a company. Some of this include includes the areas of positive work environments, job security, pay and benefits, and the capacity to go on strike if certain conditions are not met. Meanwhile, larger unions additionally work politically to influence legislation that will continue to create benefits for the companies that are represented along with its employees.
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The difference between the Taft- Hartley Act and the Wagner Act is that a few more unfair labor practices was added. The similarities include the refusal of unions to bargain collectively with unions representing a company's employees. Many kinds of boycotts to include secondary boycotts was mentioned in the Taft- Hartley Act. The Taft-Hartley Act also contains forms of “featherbedding” and levying of excessive initiation fees. The method of encouraging of discouraging a person to form a union in the Wagner Act was by imposing any special conditions of employment while in the Taft-Hartley Act it is through strike. In the Landrum-Griffin Act or the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, the definition of various other unfair labor practices were added. A ban on organizational or recognition picketing that never existed in previous of the aforementioned acts was replaced. Other additions to the Taft-Hartley Act include provisions allowing State labor relations agencies and courts to assume jurisdiction over labor disputes the NLRB declined to consider at the same time prohibiting the NLRB from broadening the categories of cases it would not handle. (,

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