Compare And Contrast Three Influential Theoretical Frameworks On Team Creativity

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1) Compare and contrast three influential theoretical frameworks on team creativity/ innovation. Your review of each theory should a) provide a clear definition of team creativity, b) describe some similarities and key differences between these theories, and c) clearly explain major causal mechanisms.
1) Comparison and contrast of three frameworks
According to the interactionist perspective of organizational creativity (Woodman, Sawyer, & Griffin, 1993), creativity results from interaction of the individual with the many levels of their organizational environment, namely the individual, team, and organizational levels. It is multilevel because it involves the individual, the team, and the organization. The causal mechanism of creativity is different at each of these levels (Anderson, Potocnik, & Zhou, 2014). Individual creativity comes from factors such as personality, knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as the context, both social and physical. Team creativity results from individual behavior and group behavior, the characteristics of the group, and the impact of the context. Organizational creativity stems from …show more content…

324). In other words, in a seemingly random way, creativity produces ideas, some minor in their novelty while others are revolutionary. Ideas at the revolutionary end of the scale are more desirable since they have the potential to impart more value. Researchers have usually employed this model to study group creativity. One theory is that diversity of inputs (e.g., resources, perspectives) generates more diverse outputs. Hence, greater variation of inputs should enhance the chances of a breakthrough idea (Harvey, 2014). Creativity is treated as a process with inputs and outputs, an arrangement which is amenable to the traditional, linear I-P-O model of team

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