Coach Savery Research Paper

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It is commonly believed that coaches are around to teach and help individuals become better in everything they do. They are there to help learn about a sport or activity, build character, and be competitive. The coaches I had seemed to have been the opposite. Coach Savery and Coach Zaugg are former basketball coaches I have had; neither of them seemed basketball smart, they were both assholes in their own way, and neither of them acted like they cared about winning a game. Neither of them understood shit about basketball, Coach Savery did not seem to have the intellect that an individual should have to coach basketball. At times he would make a remark and it would have me wondering where it came from. One time we were having a normal practice and he came over and said, “It is time to learn defense, all my plays are …show more content…

Coach Savery was the worst when it came to winning games, he just did not ever seem to care he just wanted to push a stupid point across. He would take out the starters and let the opposing team score and score until it was nearly impossible to come back and then yell at the starters for not playing to their full potential. He made stupid mistakes that cost us games. For instance, in a game I played in he told us to pass the ball and to not shoot even on an open shot, so we could keep scoring low. By the end of the first quarter we were losing 32-0. Imagine how embarrassing that is. Coach Zaugg also had similar traits, taking starters out and letting the game get out of control or calling timeouts at times that literally cost the game. When we played Storm Lake he called a timeout and drew up a play for us to run to win the game. We ended up running that play and I had an open shot and made it to win the game; it turns out he called timeout again before it went it and it did not count. We lost because he did not like the play, the play he drew up. We only won three times that