Compare The Changing Face Of Early Years Care And Education In The UK

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e changing face of early years care and education in the UK
The education policy in the UK seeks to provide the children with good quality education and care as from the earliest years for it is believed to be influential in the later years of education and life. For this reason, the government seeks to provide accessible and affordable childcare to the overall population. This report explores the changing face of the early years care and education in the UK through a literature review of the early childcare policy. The report utilizes both a literature review approach and annotated bibliography to achieve this goal.
Annotated bibliography
Kwon, Y. I. 2002. Changing Curriculum for Early Childhood Education in England. Early Childhood …show more content…

For instance, in the early childhood education, it has frequently been child centered as compared to the focus centered; educator centered and free play amongst other approaches. It gives an historical development and a philosophical underpinning of the early childhood curriculum in England as well as observes the recent developments. Young –Ihm Kwon the article author is a Ph D holder from the University of Cambridge and has been a professor and director of early childhood education at Kyoung-in women’s college in Korea. Her work and research findings are essential to the education policy makers for it gives ideas on the areas that require adjustments to make the education program productive in the society. This work brings out the historical background and eventual change in the early childhood education and care in the UK and hence contributing significantly to the subject of the …show more content…

In it is an incorporation of the latest Australian, British and American research on the introduction of contemporary theory and issues in the study of child and adolescent development. In this way, the book gives the reader an intense view of the entire issue concerning care and education in the region. The author, professor Slee is a professor in the Human Development in the school of education and is also a qualified educator and a registered psychologist. In addition, he is a director of the student wellbeing and prevention of violence research center finders. This reveals his competence in the provision of reliable and quality information concerning the early childhood education the main area of concern of the