Comparing God's Intelligent Design And Unconditional Existentialism

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For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10. The world is either created for a purpose or no purpose at all, which could leave our lives with no essential meaning. There are many views on how the universe began, most are religiously related. We have to ask ourselves what we believe is true, what supports our beliefs and what is validated by facts. Considering I am a believer in Jesus Christ I have decided for myself that Special Creation is the answer. Not only do I base this decision off my faith but also the facts and arguments that back it up. The world possesses one function, and that is to praise our Heavenly Father for His Intelligent Design and unconditional …show more content…

The theory is that every person is born as a regular human being but throughout their lives they find the meaning to themselves and life. The choices they make based on their experiences, beliefs and outlooks helps them find out who and what they are. Existentialists believe a person should make choices and be responsible for themselves without the aid of laws, traditions or ethnic rules. There is no universal agreement in a set of ideas for existentialism because it is composed of a wide variety of philosophical, religious, and political ideologies. Although politics vary, existentialists long for individual freedom for everyone within a society. …show more content…

When bad or evil things are allowed to happen in this world we tend to question if there is a God or if He is real than why let these horrible things occur? When God created us we were pure until Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God and their rebellion was punished with death. Therefore, we put the suffering upon ourselves, not Jesus. It is because of our sin that death, suffering, pain, disease and brokenness surround us every day. Our problem of pain does not rest on God, it rests on our sin in Adam that caused sinful rebellion against our Creator. But out of God’s love for us he provided us a solution. God came to this world and chose to die on the cross for our sin. He defeated sin and rose again, offering eternal life to all those who repent and trust in Him. ("Why Does God Allow Bad Things to