Comparing SJPD And The IRS

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Government departments have different ways of conducting investigation for example the IRS focuses only on tax fraud and money laundering, while police department work on many different types of crimes for example homicide or drug unit. Both of them are really similar because they both have to conduct their own investigation in order to find evidence to help their case the only major difference is that one agency has to go thur a long process in order to prosecute a crime.

The IRS is a little bit similar to SJPD because the IRS investigations are beginning When a revenue agent detects fraud also Information is sometimes received from the public or from ongoing investigations by other law enforcement agencies. The IRS must send their info to the DOJ for the recommendation on the prosecution. This is when the special agents analyze information to determine if the crime that was committed is a tax fraud or another type of financial crime. In the other hand SJPD begins an investigation when a crime occurs or when evidence is presented of a crime that was committed. when SJPD sends the case to …show more content…

After all the evidence is gathered and reviewed the agent and his supervisor determine if the evidence does prove criminal activity if not, then the case is dropped or there not enough evidence to support the prosecution recommendation.On the other hand, because the IRS only focuses on the financial problems that means that they leave all the criminal cases to police officers.For example SJPD searches for ballistics, fingerprints, toolmarks, DNA, and photography, and they send all this information to the santa clara county crime lab where they analyze the evidence. The IRS gets involved in a criminal case when there money involved. Overall both agencies do their investigations and look for evidence just that the IRS has more