Comparing Spielberg's Films 'Indiana Jones And' The Shining

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Film is a powerful media in the world with how it can be a pastime and an art. Several directors have lead the industry in many ways. Steven Spielberg is considered and believed by many as the greatest. However there is one that disproves that popular opinion by a ton. Stanley Kubrick is better than Spielberg as his films are more diverse,immersive,and fearless.
There is no doubt that Spielberg had quite a variety of films, such as ‘’Indiana Jones’’ and ‘’Saving Private Ryan’’ to just name a few. Kubrick had a more diverse catalog, with films like ‘’The Shining’’ and ‘’Dr. StrangeLove’’. Both different genres, one horror and the other comedic and fantasy. However Kubrick had a different style with each film ‘’Kubrick constantly reinvented himself and changed audience preconceptions to overcome any deficiency’’ (Krasselt). ‘’The Shining’’ has a very slow buildup with horror and art house elements tied into it with ambient haunting sounds. ‘’Dr.StrangeLove’’ is very odd with its bright comedic mood mixed with political controversy. …show more content…

‘’Eyes Wide Shut’’,’’Barry Lyndon’’ and ‘’2001: A Space Odyssey’’ are much more immersive on a auteur (art) form. Kubrick relied on immersive film techniques. ‘’He placed his indelible stamp on not just every film he made, but every shot he filmed, every scene he lit, every performance he nurtured and every musical accompaniment he chose.’’ (Pfeiffer) he took great care with his films to make them what he wanted. This can be seen in his choice of music in ‘’2001: A Space Odyssey’’ with beethoven. ‘’Full Metal Jacket’’ with brutal satire violence. ‘’Barry Lyndon’’ having natural lighting in the 18th century to put the viewer in the