
Comparing Two Religions: Islam Vs. Hinduism

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Hinduism, as well as Islam, both religions in India. Both religions are similar in many ways. Both of these religions believe in an afterlife and that there is a specific purpose of how to live life and their teachings is highly based on to escape the cycle of life. Hinduism is generally known as the oldest religions in the world. Hinduism is one of a kind religion there is no single identifiable founder of this religion, but grew over a period of four thousand years in the Indus River in India. Hinduism's highly believes in Brahman, a supreme Lord of the visible and invisible universe, who is eternal, stable, unchanging, indestructible, unborn, blissful, and also goes by names such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. The Bhagavad-Gita is another …show more content…

The caste system contains five different categories which are; Brahmins the priestly class also the highest out of the four categories, the Kshatriyas also known as the warriors the second highest out of the four categories, the Vaishyas which are the merchant and peasant, the Shudras the labor class whose duties are to serve the higher classes and the both of all the four categories are the Chandalas also know as the impure, untouchable ones in the Caste System. The caste system purpose was to help enforce law books such as Manusmriti and support the kings who support Dharma. Dharma is an ethical duty based on divine order of reality; one of the four goals of life. Also there is moksha another one of the four goals in life that means liberation or release of the individual self, Atman, from the bondage of samsara (the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth); and salvation. Kama, another goal which is to experience the pleasure, especially of sensual love and Sannyasin a wandering ascetic who has advanced to the fourth and highest stage of life. They are also against suicide because it’s a huge sin and you have to complete all the four goals in the

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