Comparing Vasilisa The Beautiful And The Ugly Duckling

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Fairy tales are often seen primarily as entertainment for children yet they also contain additional functions. For example, some tales contains morals to teach right from wrong. Others show quite vividly the consequences of a certain action. Perhaps one of the most important function of a fairy tale is to help children cope with the world around them as suggested by Bruno Bettelheim. It is through fairy tales that children can make sense of the world around them and the experiences they have. These type of “literature…carries such information best” for children because fairy tales are presented on a level that children can easily understand (Hallet & Karasek 324). The coping aspect of fairy tales can be seen in tales such as “Vasilisa the Beautiful” and “The Ugly Duckling”. Although these two stories are seemingly unrelated they both serve the function of helping …show more content…

The doll tells Vasilisa “say your prayers, and go to sleep; the morning is wiser than the evening” (Hallet & Karasek 105). On first glance, the advice is quite straight forward. If something cannot be solved today it may be solved tomorrow. There is no need to fret, and sometimes having rested can make it easier to face the world. However on a deeper examination the line reveals the power of faith or religion. The prayers suggests to a child that having faith can help him cope with the world. Religion is another mean of dealing and understanding the world by healing the heart and soul. Additionally, the concept concretely serves as protection. When Baba Yaga asks Vasilisa how she manages to complete all her tasks, Vasilisa tells her that she is “helped by the blessing of [her] mother” (Hallet & Karasek 106). Baba Yaga is horrified and literally drags Vasilisa outside because she does not want any “blessed ones” in her home. In this way, the child sees tangibly how religion or faith can also help him cope with the world around