Comparing William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Juliet and Romeo Shakespeare writing was just a story and myth, and also I think that the tomb of Juliet is not real. First of all, he wanted the people to feel emotions by reading the story. Shakespeare wanted them to feel how it was to be loved by someone, just by the looks of them. Shakespeare could have also been going through a bad break up and wanted to take his anger out on writing. Last, Shakespeare only wrote the story so that could get people's attention and make them buy the book, just so that he could be rich with money. First of all, he wanted …show more content…

Shakespeare could have been going through, what Romeo went through. He could have thought “this will be a popular book one day.” Shakespeare probably didn’t want anyone to get hurt as much as the star-crossed lovers did. Archaeologist had a thought that it could have been Romeo and Juliet since they were holding each other in their hands. Furthermore the site where they found the bodies were only a couple miles out of Verona and close to Mantua. Also Archaeologist found out that the bodies were man and woman from the Neolithic period. Last, Shakespeare only wrote the story so that could get people's attention and make them buy the book, just so that he could be rich with money. When Shakespeare got popular with his writing and career he got to hang out with King James and Queen Elizabeth. Some say that most of Shakespeare's play were written by other people by Francis bacon and Earl of Oxford. Since Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare writing was just a story and myth, and also I think that the tomb of Juliet is not real. In the story Romeo & Juliet when they are laying by the Prince. Yes the picture from the website does look like them but Korea is far away from Verona. If the star-crossed lovers were buried together they would have been buried where both families or they wanted close but not very close to