
Comparison Essay

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There are so many forms of crime in the world. Each form has a different immediate objective, scope, targets and organizational structure. Terrorism is the most often heard one. But, there also other forms that similar to terrorism, which are insurgency and criminal. The crime cases nowadays make it harder for common people to understand which one is terrorists, which one is insurgents, and which one is criminals.
The differences become blurry nowadays, whereas it is very important to understand. It is very crucial, because when people know the differences between terrorists, insurgents, and criminals, people will also know how to face them. Because each forms of crime need a different way to deal with.
Terrorism is a global problem that all …show more content…

According to James D. Kiras, terrorism now can be defined as the use of violence by sub-state groups to inspire fear, by attacking civilians and symbolic targets, and their purposes such as drawing widespread attention to a grievance, provoking a severe response, or wearing down their opponent’s moral resolve, to effect political change (Kiras, 2014). Besides that, terrorism can also be defined as a politically motivated violence, the threat of violence against non-combatants by sub-state actors, and an organized violence (World Report News, 2011).
From the definitions of terrorism, terrorists can be defined as the actors that use violence to spread fear as wide as possible by attacking civilians and non-combatants and they are motivated by politics, aiming for political change. Terrorists can operate individually or in a small group or cells, and they use violence to make civilians fear. Terrorism is an intimidation in pursuit of political aims and their targets are randomly attacked (Durairaj, n.d). Terrorism use violence to coerce a government and the civilians in furtherance of political

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