
Comparison Of John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Known as a classic novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1937, was a classic novel written to illustrate the struggle that many had to face when living in the year of the great depression. John Steinbeck had also written similar books like the ‘Grapes of Wrath’; this novel also illustrates the great depression era as well. To prove that ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a classic novel I will be giving some background information about the novel, giving character analysis, explaining the themes portrayed throughout the novel. I will also be touching base with symbols and going over what they mean as well as motifs, and tones. To summarise, I will give a brief description as to why ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a classic …show more content…

Lennie often finds himself distracted by small animals or accidently getting caught up with the wrong type of woman. He means no harm. George is Lennie’s guide, and tries to keep Lennie from doing or saying the wrong thing; as is stated in the novel, George is the brains and Lennie isn’t so smart. Though these men are very different, they both share the same dream of owning their own land one day with a small house to call their own. The main settings in this novel is when George and Lennie are camping by the fire before heading to the farm to commence work. Once making it to the farm the main setting is the bunk rooms where the men congregate at the end of their days or just when they are …show more content…

George holds a strong will to accomplish his and Lennie’s dream of some day own their own land. George can also be easily frustrated by having to continuously having to look after Lennie but will forever have his back. Lennie on the other hand is a larger male who is so easily fascinated with small animals and is a happy and hard working. Lennie is loyal and stays true to George even though Lennie is aware that he has complicated George’s life causing Lennie to be loving, loyal and apologetic. Lennie is easily scared and when he is he contracts to what ever he has grip on; this getting him into trouble. Curley is the boss’s son who is of medium build and used to be a lightweight fighter. Curley is always looking for a fight and comes across as being very aggressive towards anyone he finds a threat. It does seem that Curley tries to fight to regain his fragile ego, and cover his insecurities, and to also prove that he is strong. Curley is forever looking for his wife as she is known to get around with the men on the farm. Slim is a quite but well-spoken man and discussed things deeply. Slim generally keeps to his self and is a respected man of his work making him a natural leader. Candy is another man who sleeps in the bunk rooms, he is in his 60’s and has lost his arm. He has/had an old dog who was

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