
Comparison Of Stereotypes In Nineteen Minutes And The Outsiders

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Teenage Misjudgment
Stereotypes are essential to quickly and easily establish characters in stories, but they can often contribute to the misjudgement of those characters by the audience and other characters in the book. This misjudgement is harmful towards the literal characters in the book and the reader’s perception of the character. Sometimes, realizing and looking past the misjudgement of certain characters can lead to the reader seeing them in a different light. In the novels Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult and The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, characters are misjudged by those who don’t truly know them, ultimately leading to their deaths.
In Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, Matt Royston is misjudged and stereotyped as the popular jock …show more content…

He is widely known as a gangster and an outlaw, but he is really just a young adult who cares deeply for his found family. Since he has no biological family, he serves as a surrogate father to both Johnny and Ponyboy as they make their way through life. Despite this, the only thing the Socs seem to see is a brute who only cares about himself. Even Ponyboy, the main character and narrator of the book, doesn’t see Dallas as a good influence but respects him: “If I had to pick the real character of the gang, it would be Dallas Winston--- Dally… He was tougher than the rest of us--- tougher, colder, meaner. The shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood wasn't present in Dally” (Hinton 73). Ponyboy taking Dally’s character at face value from what he had heard from others contributes to his misjudgement, just like how the Socs misjudged him. However, as Ponyboy grows to trust Dally, he realizes that none of the rumors are true. At heart, Dally is someone who is compassionate and caring; His years in prison and realization that the only way to survive is to be a threat had hardened him. A notable example of how much he cares about his gang, who are like brothers to him, is when he forcibly leaves the hospital to fight in the rumble. He is willing to risk himself for his friends. This parallels real life

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