
Compstat Management Style

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According to Hoover the definition of Comstat is combination of crime focused operational strategies and management it is in fact is said to be a mixture of several different law enforcement (Hoover, 2014). Compstat exemplify successful attributes. Compstat is a combination of a strategy management style. As a strategy, Compstat is sometime called crime-specific policing. Crime-specific policing is targeted enforcement aimed at specific offenses committed by specific offenders at specific times and at specific places (Hoover L.2014). As a management style, the core of Compstat is strict management accountability for achieving crime reduction goals. Compstat is considered a management and technological system, is the latest in a long line of attempts to make American police agencies better organized to fight crime (Hoover 2014). The components of the Compstat process in the management and operational approach are as follows: • Real-time crime analysis • Targeted …show more content…

The important point is that Compstat transcends a street-level strategic approach; it is concurrently a management style. As far as community policing Compstat Conflict with Community Policing one thing needs to be made clear according to Hoover Compstat is not community policing nor is it any version of community policing. Compstat is an alternative to community policing (Hoover, 2014). Over the years Compstat and community policing have emerged as powerful movements in U.S. police reform. Despite their importance, there are practically no studies on how they interact when implemented in the same police organization (Willis, et al. 2010). Flexibility under Compstat was achieved primarily by creating separate specialist crime units that were not bound to answer calls for service (unless other units were unavailable) (Willis, J., Mastrofski, S., and Kochel,

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