Computer Games Leave Children With Dementia Essay

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Many things in our world can be seen as addicting. Alcohol and drugs such are considered highly addictive, and dangerous, while sex, for instance, can be addicting but not necessarily as dangerous. One addiction that has come to light and is the topic of discussion in this modern era is technology, and especially the influence that the brightly lit screens and colorful, appealing graphics have on children. In the past there has been a lot of debate about children and their use of technology, if it was helpful or harmful or to what extent children should be allowed to use it. The popular press article that I have chosen, “Computer games leave children with 'dementia' warns top neurologist” promotes the idea that technology, specifically computer …show more content…

This article is claiming that yes, computer games do leave a negative impact on children and that an abundant time in front of a computer could lead to temporarily disabling connections found within the brain. If this claim were to be true, it would greatly affect children and their families, especially in the decisions of how much time those children are permitted to spend in front of a screen. The implications of this claim being true would mean that a large amount of children would have impaired or damaged parts of their brains, and dementia in children would be far more common. However, the press article provides no valid evidence to back up this claim, and when asked, the presenter of this claim presented no research. The article doesn’t provide or describe the methods used to investigate this question, as there is no actual proof given, just speculation. The lack of research presented directly makes any attempt to investigate said research invalid, as there was nothing to investigate. The article quotes the researchers of the study several times, but this doesn’t add any credibility to the claims, as the quotes used all claim that the research done for this question isn’t actually research, just mere