Drea Christopher's Article 'The Negative Effects Of Video Games'

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Virtual Games Lead to Troubles

Drea Christopher's persuasive article "The Negative Effects of Video Games" (2015) critically states how harmful the effect of spending a lot time playing on the internet, Xbox, and computer can be for children. First, the writer explains that kids don't care anymore about any other hobbies because of playing computer and Xbox. Then, he asserts that teenagers who play computer too much can be affected by health problems easier than normal children. Also, young adult's bond with classmates and parents may turn horrible. Through research, I have found evidence that corroborates one point of Christopher's; in addition, my research has led to me to think I have grounds to challenge another claim of Christopher's.
In paragraph 3 …show more content…

First, their physical appearance and immune system are suffering extremely. Such children have lack of sleep and their physical activities may decrease. In that case, they are not able to do any exercises because of their tiredness and it allows to increase the rate of getting illness. Also, they can be easily affected by some mental problems. Second, because of lack of sleep, children's resistant to illnesses may drop. In that case, they might get health issues such as backaches, and headaches.
As a result, mentions Christopher, "addiction can lead to such medical issues." The article "8
Ways Video Games Are Bad For Your Health" on the website http://www.healthcentral.coml provides evidence to support this claim of Christopher's. This article states that "Instead of lose gaming time they rather lose sleep time." Kids who prefer to play virtual games should play less than one hour per day, but they go over and play three or four times longer than normal. This steals most teenagers' sleep time and the reason for getting illnesses. As a result, "gaming becomes sleep deprivation." Both articles agree in that video games are dangerous for